Notes are inserted at the end of a transcript. You can use the notes section to make comments about the transcript, describe curriculum in more detail, highlight important information, etc.

How to Format Your Notes

You can easily add formatting to your notes, as described below. Note that the formatting is applied to your text when you save the notes.

To italicize a word or phrase, add a single asterisk on either side - *word or phrase*

To bold a word or phrase, add a double asterisk on either side - **word or phrase**

To create an unordered (bullet) list, insert an asterisk in front of each first level list item. If you wish to add second level (indented) list item insert a space plus an asterisk in front of each. See the example below:

* First level item
* First level item
 * Second level item
 * Second level item
* First level item

To create an ordered (numbered) list, follow the instructions for creating an unordered list, but insert a “1.” rather than an asterisk in front of the first item in each level. See the example below:

1. First level item
* First level item
 1. Second level item
 * Second level item
* First level item

To insert a hypertext link, insert brackets around the link name to be displayed, followed by parentheses around the URL - [link name to display] (URL of link)

To create headings, place a pound sign in front of the first level heading text, two pound signs in front of the second level heading text, and so on. You can have up to six levels of headings.

# h1 heading
## h2 heading
### h3 heading

For more information, including other formatting options, refer to the Mastering Markdown Guide.